Welcome to MIMESIS, a cutting-edge startup and SpinOff from the University of Catania, specializing in the application of computational models to the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical sectors. Our innovative approach enables the simulation of structural, chemical, and biological phenomena.

At Mimesis, we provide the biomedical industry and pharmaceutical companies with the first generation of “In Silico” solutions, revolutionizing the research and development process of medicinal products. Our goal is to significantly reduce both time and costs associated with drug development.

Ethics is at the core of our values, as our solutions eliminate the need for human involvement, potentially reducing the number of patients participating in clinical studies. This not only streamlines the research process but also aligns with our commitment to ethical practices.

Consider this: the approval of a new drug by regulatory agencies such as EMA and FDA typically incurs a staggering cost ranging from 2 to 3 billion dollars, with a timeline of at least 10 years before the drug reaches the market. MIMESIS is here to transform this landscape, making drug development more efficient, cost-effective, and ethical.

Join us in revolutionizing the future of pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals.

Innovating Health, One Simulation at a Time.